It is an unforgettable experience, I don’t regret leaving Umuahia, Umudike precisely to attend this conference in Portharcourt. God indeed has a good thought for me. He supernaturally provided for my transport fares so I would not have an excuse. He showed and manifested himself himself in the conference and I have clarity over a lot of things in my life. I have reconnected with my maker, lover and friend as I was deeply hurt and disconnected myself from Him. He has reminded me of His love and I am now and always will be immortal.

Ngozi (Conference)
The Lord delivered me from demonic attacks. I also got healed from eye pain.

Blessing (Conference)
I see God's love
I joined Birthplace Discipleship at a very critical time of my life in July 2020. Looking back now, I can't just but be grateful for the intentionality of God about me. Every study we've had has left an indelible mark on me. They either come as prophylactic or curative to me. With every passing day, I see and understand better God's love to me by planting me here.
I've also been blessed by the aligning prayers. I can still remember the activations and encounters I've had through these prayers. The intercessory prayer we had for Nigeria in October/November 2020 and the Birthplace Camp Retreat of 2020 are experiences I can never forget in a hurry. I'm still standing on some of the benefits of those meetings today. How about the 70 kingdom night of prayers in 2021 and the 21 days prayer and fasting of 2022?
I never saw the importance of stretch prayers and organised studies until I joined the Birthplace. One important thing I've also learnt here is the power of meditation. I remember Mama once said something about the time I joined in 2020 that "you may not be able to do some certain things but if you stay in the kingdom or palace/ you'd eventually become a king". That stayed with me. I'm not where I was when I joined. And I'm grateful to God that I am becoming.

IBUKUN (Discipleship)
Discipleship program has helped me so much in my spiritual growth.
I joined in January 2022 and it has been a wonderful ride thus far. The Retreat in January helped me gain clarity for this year, bible study became easy, praying became more interesting, being able to hear from God and discern his directions became swift and the miracles that followed eh they are plenty!!!
I remember the week we prayed for Favour, like it was just flowing in from different corners, I was so surprised
I love that we get introduced to christian materials from all over the world, the videos we get to watch, the audio messages and the life transforming articles.
I love the topics we treat;Mama is raising intentional Christians here, people who have no choice but to be grounded in their walk with God.
Finally but most importantly, I love that the program is not choking. Our activities are impactful but spaced out giving one time to learn and practice.
Thank you so much Ma for Yielding.

REJOICE (Discipleship)
Direct prophetic word
I got a direct prophetic word whicg happens to be a confirmation on what God had told be earlier. My expectation for attending was absolutely met.

Saviour Uche
Wow! I spoke in tongues for the first time. I also got this strong confidence to try new things

Emeka Agaba (conference)
The meeting imparted me greatly. Everything is now making sense to me. All my experiences, all my encounters, questions in my head since over 7 years have been answered. I have clarity. A major scale has fallen off my eyes. I needed to recover some finanacial loss so I asked the Lord to refund the money I spent on this conference, as a proof that he sent Anne. I put up my sale advert at a ridiculously high price. It would only take a foolish person to buy from me. I had 0.6bitcoin placed to sell at 1,905,000 while others were selling 2bitcoin for 1.865,000. Someone left all those and bought from me. This one trade covered all I gave for this conference and more!

TB (Financial recovery)
Joining the discipleship forum in 2022 has been one of the highlights of my year so far. In the past,I have come across programs n opportunities to join but didnt give much thought to it.
In Jan 2022, I was prompted to join the 21days fasting program. This came on the heels of a dark period in my life,spiritually and emotionally.
I am grateful I obeyed. This program marked a great begining in my walk with God.
The spiritual awakening these past 5 months have been unprecedented,thanks to this forum.
The series we have had so far have been very Impactful in my daily walk with God and my Life overall.
I am grateful to God for the Visioner and convener of this Forum- Minister Anne Emeka-Obiajunwa and the team.
If you are reading this and desire a next level in your walk with God,please join ASAP.

CHIOMA (Discipleship)
I'm super grateful for this month's plan. I have been glancing through the book of Corinthians, but I saw it in a different light through the cause of this study. 1Corinthians 6:12-20 was the highlight of my study this week. I studied it using the amplified version, and my life was really transformed. I have been battling with masturbation for a while now, and I got delivered to the glory of God.
Thank You Holy Spirit for this walk we are having, my life is getting better and better praise God.

EBERE (Discipleship)
God opens the Vagina of a 2-year old, born without one
Ma, please, permit me to say a very big thank you for what you are doing at the birthplace foundation. Thank you for this 30days, thank you for this prayer.
Thank you for even asking is to make a wish list. I did and this is my number one, it's been something that has been giving me sleepless nights.
So, last month, I discovered that my two year old daughter, her vagina is not open, I will send you a picture later so you understand better. So we went to see a pediatrician who referred us to a gynecologist. So when we got there, the main prof he wanted us to see was not around but we saw another junior doctor under the main doctor. After examining my baby girl, he now said that the problem can only be corrected via surgery and I was like "ah ah, my two year old daughter? Surgery again?"
Meanwhile, I have been beating up myself that I have not noticed this since she was born, up to two years old. Imagine a two year old baby undergoing surgery to open up her vagina. I have been so bothered. Anytime I remember it, if am eating or anything I'm doing, I would just feel cold. So I was praying to God and I took a picture and sent to other doctors. My uncle is a doctor that stays in America so when I showed him the picture, he also said the same thing.
But he said it's a minor surgery that I should not be afraid that it's something minor so I said okay. Even in my wish list, I asked God for a successful surgery without complications but God did something better! Asin God did something better!
The day we went to the gynecologist and he wasn't around, so after seeing the junior doctor, he now told us the doctor the main doctor consults. We booked an appointment with them. So we went back there, that was last week ma and to the glory of God, when the man examined her, first of all before he examined my daughter, he told us that this happenes sometimes and it depends on how severe it is, that sometimes when the child is being placed on some hormonal drugs, that it will revert on its own but that he will check and see if it's something that needs surgery or something that needs hormonal drugs first before the surgery can be conducted.
And to the glory of God ma, when he examined my baby girl, the vagina opening was there! The man was like ah ah whats the fret all about? If I haven't taken pictures and shown the man, he wouldn't have believed and if not for the write up the junior doctor did the day we saw him, the junior doctor wrote it down in my daughter's folder and with the help of the pictures that I took, because the man was like, "ah ah what am I even saying?" I told him, "sir, there was no opening before" and he said how can? I now brought out the picture and showed him. He now said okay, it happens sometimes.
He was speaking so many grammars, but I wasn't paying attention again, I was just thanking God💃.
Even my husband, I was just thanking God, I was now like, ah ah! My husband was in awe and he was like ah ah what kind of miracle is this, I now said " Na my Jesus de do am oh, na my Jesus de do am.
And even up to today, even my uncle that I told that the opening came back, he was like" ah ah, it can't be". I had to take another picture and showed him he was like, that he has not heard of this before, I now said yes oh, Na my Jesus de run am!
So ma, i just want you to help me and return all glory to God 🙌
Help me and return all glory to God!
I don't know what I would have done, but this God, may his name be praised for ever.
Ma, please help me share, I can't keep this all to my self, I can't.
Thank you so much ma, God bless you!

Ebi (Online Meeting)

It will be a thing of honour to help you gain momentum for the heights you are destined to climb in this season of your life.