About Tamar's Pouch

Tamar’s pouch is women focused ministry with the vision to help women through peculiar challenges.
‘Tamar’ the Hebrew word for ‘palm tree’ was the name of three women in the bible.
Tamar- the daughter-in-law of Judah
Tamar-King David’s daughter and Tamar
Absalom daughter
Women whose stories connect with the experiences of today’s women.
These women were denied their rights, raped, and raised into oblivion respectively.
‘Tamar’ is the Hebrew word for PALM TREE.
A POUCH is a place where valuables are kept. Hence, At Tamar’s pouch, women are raised to live out the fullness of God’s design for their lives; understanding that like the palm tree, no part (looks ,dreams, aspirations, dispositions, experiences etc) of the woman is a waste.
Tamar’s pouch is committed to helping women birth purpose, nurse vision and fulfill destiny; irrespective of pain, horrible experiences or mistakes.
Our Vision is to heal the broken hearted, birth purpose from their pain and empower them to live fulfilling lives.
Our mission is to raise a generation of hurt free women, who are equipped to live fulfilled lives through course study, group interaction, conferences, counseling and mentoring.
Tamar’s pouch is a sub-ministry of The Birthplace Foundation, Founded by Anne Emeka-Obiajunwa in May 2009 as a weekly ladies meeting on campus at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
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We will help you GROW beyond grudges, HEAL from Hurt and PERFECT your steps in Purpose.