Anne Emeka Obiajunwa


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Anne Emeka Obiajunwa

Anne Emeka Obiajunwa

Princess Anne Emeka-Obiajunwa awakens people to Christ’s love and intimacy with the Father, equipping them to live from the glory realm, experience God’s supernatural Kingdom, and receive their inheritance in Christ through teaching, prophetic worship, and writing.

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It is an unforgettable experience, I don’t regret leaving Umuahia, Umudike precisely to attend this conference in Port-harcourt. God indeed has a good thought for me. He supernaturally provided for my transport fares so I would not have an excuse. He showed and manifested himself himself in the conference and I have clarity over a lot of things in my life. I have reconnected with my maker, lover and friend as I was deeply hurt and disconnected myself from Him. He has reminded me of His love and I am now and always will be immortal.
The meeting imparted me greatly. Everything is now making sense to me. All my experiences, all my encounters, questions in my head since over 7 years have been answered. I have clarity. A major scale has fallen off my eyes. I needed to recover some finanacial loss so I asked the Lord to refund the money I spent on this conference, as a proof that he sent Anne. I put up my sale advert at a ridiculously high price. It would only take a foolish person to buy from me. I had 0.6bitcoin placed to sell at 1,905,000 while others were selling 2bitcoin for 1.865,000. Someone left all those and bought from me. This one trade covered all I gave for this conference and more!
Financial Recovery


Turn Wishes to Wins

You’ve won at some things in life and lost at others; some of which are very dear wishes. Are you tired of losing?

Here is a no-nonsense, common sense guide to uncommon results in every dimension of your life.

In this book I share with you an ageless power and principles used by several notable people to turn their wishes into wins.


In the book Prothesis you will learn to let God lead you into His flawless purpose for you, learn to let God lead you into His flawless purpose for you,  understand the link between your gifts, talents and your purpose, and be empowered to make your mark, be relevant and live fulfilled.

This book challenges you to move from where you are to where you ought to be - a glorious fulfilling life!


In TAMAR, I tell the epic story of three women whose names bonded them-TAMAR.

Raped by a brother, Denied by her father-in-law and raised by an abused aunt respectively, all three women aptly represent the various forms of abuse faced by men and women in our societies today.
Buried in its pages is lasting freedom from all forms of abuse.

about anne

It will be a thing of honour to help you gain momentum for the heights you are destined to climb in this season of your life.

Books by Anne

Turn Wishes to Wins


Executive Summaries