Anne Emeka Obiajunwa

Anne Emeka Obiajunwa

Anne Emeka Obiajunwa

The birthplace institute of evangelism

The Birthplace Institute of Evangelism is dedicated to nurturing and equipping a preserved generation of Evangelists.

Our mission is to turn genuine lovers of Christ into burning witnesses, igniting a revolution of evangelism that sweeps across nations. We accomplish this by equipping individuals with the essential knowledge, practical skills, and spiritual fervour to effectively share the Gospel and nurture disciples in our contemporary world.

Our Approach

At the Birthplace Institute of Evangelism, we offer dynamic courses, resources, and opportunities for hands-on experience to help believers grow in their evangelistic calling and effectiveness. Our curriculum is firmly rooted in the timeless truths of Scripture and enriched by practical insights from experienced evangelists and missionaries.


Heart-Centred Learning: At the Birthplace Institute, we believe that authentic evangelism stems from a heart profoundly touched by the love of God. Our program is uniquely designed to not only equip you with techniques but also to nurture a deep, personal relationship with Christ. This foundation naturally ignites a passion to share His love with others.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our curriculum spans the spectrum of spreading the message of Jesus, from fundamental Gospel teachings to mastering effective communication strategies. Whether you’re taking your first steps in faith or have been preaching for years, our training is crafted to facilitate your growth in ministry. Additionally, you have the opportunity to specialize in one of four areas: personal evangelism, outreach, open-air crusades, or missions.

Experienced Faculty: Our faculty comprises seasoned evangelists, missionaries, and esteemed ministry leaders who are dedicated to empowering believers and evangelists alike. Their wealth of experience and profound biblical insight offer invaluable guidance on soul-winning and discipleship.

Community and Support: Joining the Birthplace Institute means becoming part of a close-knit family. Our vibrant community fosters encouragement, accountability, and prayer support, ensuring that you never walk alone on your evangelistic journey.

Practical Experience: While theory is essential, practical experience is irreplaceable. Through internships, mission trips, local outreaches, and immersive training exercises, we provide ample opportunities for you to apply your learning in real-world settings, preparing you to make a tangible impact wherever you go


The Faculty



Princess began street evangelism at age 9. Ordained as an evangelist in 2008, she’s committed herself to soul-winning and discipleship for nearly two decades. Her contagious passion for Christ and burden for souls drive her. As a Module Expert in Outreach, she’ll share what’s been instrumental in leading thousands to Jesus and facilitating deliverance through her ministry.

Guess who ?

Director | Facilitator

Module Expert Intercession

Guess who?

missionary| facilitator

Module Expert Crusades

Guess Who?

Missionary | facilitator

Module Expert Missions

Guess Who?

Pastor | Facilitator

Module Expert Discipleship

What You Will Study

This module explores the fundamentals of Christianity, covering a range of topics including the mystery of new birth, spiritual growth, Holy Spirit Baptism, water baptism, tongue speaking, the art of prayer, the skill of bible study, and secrets for nurturing a deep intimacy with Christ. Ultimately, it provides guidance and wisdom for living out your faith authentically and practically.

This module provides insight into the diverse doctrines within Christianity, covering essential topics including Pateriology (the study of God the Father), Soteriology (the study of salvation), Christology (the study of Jesus Christ), Pneumatology (the study of the Holy Spirit), Demonology (the study of demons), Angelology (the study of angels), and Eschatology (the study of end times). You gain the knowledge and clarity needed to engage confidently in theological discussions within your faith community and with those of differing beliefs.  Understanding these subjects deepens your convictions as you explore God’s nature, salvation plan, and involvement in the world. It empowers you to not only apply these knowledge in your own life but also to effectively teach others.

This module is centered around cultivating the character traits necessary for spiritual fruitfulness, with a specific focus on the Fruits of the Spirit as outlined in Galatians 5:22-23. Participants will explore the qualities of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, and learn how to nurture these attributes in their lives through spiritual disciplines, personal growth strategies, and practical application. Through teachings, discussions, and experiential exercises, participants will be empowered to embody these virtues in their relationships, ministries, and daily interactions, leading to increased spiritual fruitfulness and effectiveness in serving others and advancing God’s kingdom.

In this module, you will explore the power of spiritual gifts, particularly those relevant to evangelism. You will learn how the Holy Spirit equips believers with diverse gifts such as prophecy, healing, discernment, tongues, and interpretation of tongues, empowering them for effective ministry. Through activation session and practical exercises, you will learn  to discern, activate, and deploy these gifts strategically in your evangelistic endeavors. By tapping into the supernatural resources of the Spirit, you will enhance your effectiveness as an evangelist, bringing forth powerful demonstrations of God’s love and power in your outreach efforts.

The Ministry of Evangelism module is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, proven strategy and practical tools needed to effectively share the Gospel and lead others to Christ. You will explore the biblical foundations of evangelism, learn various evangelistic methods and strategies, and develop the confidence and passion to fulfil the Great Commission in your daily life.

This module equips you with the essential tools to establish a discipleship framework tailored to the specific needs of your ministry. You’ll learn how to craft effective discipleship programs, which include developing engaging curricula, implementing robust mentorship models, and establishing systems for accountability. You will explore the significance of forging partnerships with local churches and assemblies to amplify the impact of your discipleship efforts. Additionally, you’ll discover practical methods for identifying and nurturing emerging leaders within your community. By participating in interactive sessions and examining real-world case studies, this module will empower you to cultivate a thriving discipleship culture within your ministry.

This module focuses on the art and practice of preaching, equipping you with the skills and techniques needed to deliver effective and impactful sermons. Through practical instruction and hands-on experience, you will learn how to craft engaging messages, communicate biblical truths with clarity and relevance, and connect with your audience. By completing this module, you will develop the confidence and ability to deliver compelling sermons that inspire, challenge, and lead to positive decisions for Jesus every time you make an altar call. You will become a skilled communicator of God’s Word, capable of effectively sharing the message of the Gospel and guiding others into a personal relationship with Christ.

In the cause of evangelism, believers often encounter challenges that can cause wounds and sometimes death on the field. In this module, you’ll learn the reasons behind these wounds and how to stay shielded from harm. Through topics on meditation, prayer, obedience, and faith, you’ll not only strengthen your spiritual defense but also uncover techniques for rejuvenation and empowerment, such as soaking, detoxification, and corporate fellowship. The Armor of God module equips you with the mindset and practices needed to safely navigate the spiritual battlefield with resilience and strength as you rescue souls from the clutches of darkness.

This module empowers you to engage in one-on-one evangelism with colleagues, strangers, friends, and clients, allowing you to share your faith wisely and effectively while avoiding offense. Through practical strategies and communication techniques, you’ll confidently convey the Gospel message in a respectful, compelling, and relevant manner tailored to each individual. By mastering the art of personal evangelism, you’ll become an invaluable ambassador of God in your sphere, impacting lives and spreading His message of love and redemption.

This module empowers you to concentrate your ministry efforts on a specific sphere or group aligned with your calling. You will gain valuable insights into effective ministry practices tailored to diverse contexts, encompassing schools or university campuses, specific communities, including underserved areas, prisons, orphanages, and targeted groups such as the homeless, prostitutes, drug addicts, teenage mothers or fathers, and abused individuals. Each of these settings presents distinct challenges and opportunities, and this module equips you with tailored strategies to effectively fulfill your calling towards them.

This module focuses on equipping you with the necessary skills and strategies to effectively organize and conduct open-air crusades. You will learn how to plan, promote, and execute impactful evangelistic events in outdoor settings, reaching large numbers of people with the message of the Gospel. Topics covered include site selection, crowd engagement, preaching techniques for outdoor environments, music and worship coordination, logistics management, and follow-up strategies. Through practical training and guidance, you will be prepared to lead dynamic and successful open-air crusades that bring about spiritual transformation in communities.

This module is designed to prepare you for effective engagement in missions work, both locally and globally. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of missions, including cross-cultural communication, contextualization of the Gospel, partnership development, and practical skills for fieldwork. Topics covered may include missiology, cultural anthropology, biblical foundations of missions, strategic planning, fundraising, and sustainable development. Through experiential learning opportunities and case studies, you will be equipped to serve as a faithful and culturally sensitive ambassador of Christ in diverse mission contexts, bringing hope and transformation to communities around the world.

How You Will Study

Each module will span four weeks, with teaching sessions conducted over the first three weeks. The fourth week will be designated for assessment work, providing you with ample time to master the subject matter through practice and preparation. This structured approach ensures that you have the opportunity to thoroughly engage with the course content and utilize provided resources to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered. You will need to select one of the four areas of specialization for full training. If you wish to pursue an additional specialization, you will need to purchase that module separately.

Enrolment is on for October 2024 start.

Enrollment for the October 2024 intake is now open. To enroll, select one of the following study plans:

Option 1: Full Training with One-time Payment

Option 2: Full Training with Monthly Payment

Option 3: Selected Modules

Upon selecting your preferred option, you will be redirected to make payment. After payment, you will receive further instructions regarding the class schedule, course outline, and access to course content.

Full Training (One time)

Study for 9 months and get a certificate with an OPTION to be ordained as an Evangelist.
$90 /NGN100,000 One time payment
  • Dedicated Tutor available to answer your questions
  • Assistance with setting up an evangelistic ministry
  • Fully Funded Internship Opportunity
  • Feedback on Test/Assignments
  • Community Support/Networking
  • Hands on Field Experience
  • Ordination (optional)
  • Certificate

Full Training (Instalmental)

Study for 9 months and get a certificate with an OPTION to be ordained as an Evangelist.
$12 / month ( NGN12,000)
  • Dedicated Tutor available to answer your questions
  • Assistance with setting up an evangelistic ministry
  • Fully Funded Internship Opportunity
  • Feedback on Test/Assignments
  • Community Support/Networking
  • Hands on Field Experience
  • Ordination (optional)
  • Certificate

Selected Modules

This is a mix-and-match system where you can select your modules based on your interests.
$15 / Module (NGN25,000)
  • Lifetime Access
  • Marked Tests
  • Certificate

For any enquiries or after payment please email